Saturday, April 22, 2006

We've been on the boat from Grenada to Isla Omatepe for something like four hours. We must be getting close. Hany and Keli are both impressed that I'm not seasick having been the only one of us who didn't take any dramamine. It hasn't really been that rocky though...we are travelling a lake afterall.

We've met a really interesting girl from Switzerland by the name of Camila (the l is silent). She's 21 years old and has been traveling alone throughout central america for the past three weeks. She intends to continue for three more months, ending up on the West coast of the US. What a fearless heart. I told her she must be very strong and she said no, I don't think so. I hope she stays at the same hostel as us. I'd love to talk with her more.

The dynamics between Hany, Keli, and I have been so rich. Yesterday, Hany almot left. These complex dynamics have been very hard for him. Before I arrived he felt his relationship with Keli going along smoothly all the time. They had their bumps and difficulties but it was easy to take these in stride. Now that I'm here his fears have been up and

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