Monday, March 27, 2006

I woke up feeling guilty about waking up after 8am, when i really should have been at work, now that Peg is gone. Yet I still haven't called to check the voicemail, or to check in with Tony.

I read my story to Rosie last night, and she seemed eager to hear it, but when I asked her what she thought she said that it seemed a little one-dimensional, and I've realized she's right. It's the characters. They're flat. I'm glad to have realized this, but a bit disheartened as well. I know it's something that will resolve itself as I continue to right, but it makes writing harder. I should learn to to ask for opinions until I've finished at least a first draft. Then I won't be torn between continuing the story and editig what I have.

Rosie and Jason and I have played 4 games of Settlers of Catan so far, and I've won three of them. I love the game while I'm playing, but afterward I've felt hollow. The same with the many hours Rosie and I spent playing Balder's Gate to it's conclusion over the past few days.

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