Monday, March 3, 2008

Mondays are for project projection

Setting down a few of the goals I would like to accomplish this week

mail package to dad
finish Love Slaves editing & print mock-up by Friday
pay all bills & figure out how to deposit cash
research trailer upgrade materials
come up with at least one of three workshop exercises for Eve to review
research and register at Hany's financial website
research and aply for temp jobs during philly visit

1 comment:

memeticist said...

There are no coincidences, just mysterious, inexplicable parallel occurrences. In 1984, when Roseanne was -4, i started a software company in Santa Cruz named Zetetic Software International (ZSI). We never incorporated ZSI, but we printed up stationary and envelops and had grand hopes.

Now, a life time later, Zetetic (to solve for the unknown) has new meaning and new possibilities - which i am happily sharing with you.