Its only 11pm and it feels like 3am. Im drunk and sitting in the lobby of the bearded monkey, the hostel which we've barely left for two days. I had the most amazing and difficult conversation with Hany and Keli tonight. It was all about copyright law, and the coming age of information. Hany and I both became impassioned, and in the face of his antagonism I felt that I somehow managed to expess my vision and ideas in a way that was clearer and more practical than ever before. But I got no agreement, and lost even Keli who started out a proponent. She got really drunk too, and I felt her reaching for compromise, but i felt only hurt and dissapointed by this. She wanted us to go back to the room and make love, but I asked for time alone instead.
Now the whole thing feels silly. I have no real hope of changing the way things work on such a grand scale anyway. And no real passion to do the work neccessary to make the changes I see as possible. Why should it bother me not to have agreement about the potential for systems which will never be put into place anyway?
There is hope though, howver slim. In the technological arms race between the enforcers of intellectual property laws and piracy the pirates may yet win. They are at least keeping pace so far. I do have bit torrent. In this hostel there is a sign that reads "Like the music you are hearing?" and offers to burn copies for you at a reasonable price.
Hany, Keli and I are making plans to buy and run a hostel here in CA. This could be my future. This could be my life.
Now the whole thing feels silly. I have no real hope of changing the way things work on such a grand scale anyway. And no real passion to do the work neccessary to make the changes I see as possible. Why should it bother me not to have agreement about the potential for systems which will never be put into place anyway?
There is hope though, howver slim. In the technological arms race between the enforcers of intellectual property laws and piracy the pirates may yet win. They are at least keeping pace so far. I do have bit torrent. In this hostel there is a sign that reads "Like the music you are hearing?" and offers to burn copies for you at a reasonable price.
Hany, Keli and I are making plans to buy and run a hostel here in CA. This could be my future. This could be my life.